Please respond to each discussion post response in at least 100 words with a reference. Discussion prompts are in bold for topic reference.
Discussion 2 Prompt – The Action Centered Leadership model is John Adair’s best-known work, in which there are three elements: a) Achieving the Task, b) Developing the Team, and c) Developing Individuals. These elements are mutually dependent, as well as being separately essential to the overall leadership role. Think of a situation in your place of work in which Adair’s three elements have been used to accomplish a task. Provide specific examples.
#1 – Sandy
Hello professor & everyone,
Achieving the task, developing the team, and developing individuals are valuable components of Adair’s model that can be applied in various work settings to drive success. In fact, this model has been proven to be effective in not only improving customer service but also increasing overall team performance and employee satisfaction. By focusing on both team and individual development, managers can create a more cohesive and productive work environment. I work at McDonald’s, and recently, our store manager used Adair’s model to improve customer service. To achieve the task of increasing efficiency, the manager focused on developing the team by providing additional training on order accuracy, while also developing individuals by giving personalized feedback to each employee on their performance. This approach resulted in improved customer satisfaction scores and decreased wait times at the drive-thru. In short , by balancing team and individual development, managers can see positive results in both employee performance and customer satisfaction.
Works Cited,
Al-Touby S. S. (2012). Functional results-oriented healthcare leadership: a novel leadership model. Oman medical journal, 27(2), 104–107.
John Adair’s Action–Centred Leadership Model – (n.d.).
#2 – John
In my work, I have experienced an effective use of the Action Centered Leadership model while our VP of Sales was building our sales team. At the start of every meeting, he would establish the “why” of what we were trying to accomplish as a company. By focusing on how our product is intended to improve the lives of clinical radiologists and to improve their output by making them more efficient while taking much of the burden off their plates,. By developing a solution for radiologists with highly esteemed radiologists, we were able to build something they wanted and needed. Considering how radiologists workflows have increased over the past decade with imaging being done nearly every visit, we had to keep their best interests in mind, while building their efficiency. We established what our task was. As a team, we understood our mission, and with the backing of a strong clinical team with a reputation for excellence, it was up to each member of our team to spread the word about how our solution will change radiology. Needless to say, we have had tremendous success, and through word of mouth, our solution often sells itself.
Discussion 3 Prompt – Give an example of how Herzberg’s theory applies to a work experience you have personally had, or seen a co-worker experience.
Rocket Ship Diagram Rendering of Herzberg’s Motivators vs. Hygiene factors– PDF Document (48.0 KB)
#3 – Steve
When I worked in Specimen Management, the department automated several routine tasks previously done manually. According to Herzberg’s theory, this change could impact hygiene factors and motivators. On the hygiene side, automation made the processes more efficient and less prone to errors, reducing the fear of job loss due to mistakes. On the motivator side, it could have mixed effects. For some employees, the automation of repetitive tasks freed up time for more challenging and engaging work, leading to increased job satisfaction. These individuals viewed automation as a positive change that allowed them to focus on more meaningful aspects of their jobs.
However, for others who found satisfaction in the detailed, hands-on aspects of the automated tasks, there needed to be more intrinsic motivation. These employees needed to catch up on the accomplishment and engagement they felt when completing those tasks manually. Also, this automation worried some employees about keeping their current positions. To address this, the company emphasized retraining and upskilling programs to help employees transition to new responsibilities relevant to their skills and interests. This proactive approach, focusing on motivators like opportunities for growth and challenging work, helped mitigate the potential negative sentiment and impact of automation on job satisfaction, which aligns with Herzberg’s theory.
#4 – Natalija
Herzberg’s theory states that job satisfaction is controlled by a set of motivators, and that there is a complete different set of factors that play a role in preventing job dissatisfaction, but not necessarily creating satisfaction. I feel as though I have experienced a job with neither good motivation nor hygiene factors, and the will to work for some employees who have been employed there for years was just not there. The job I am currently employed at contains so many more of the motivation and hygiene factors, and I feel as though I can really appreciate them, especially after experiencing a workplace that did not have those standards. One of the main differences between the two was supervision and relationship with supervision. In my workplace now I feel like my lead is extremely supportive and is there to guide you. While this doesn’t technically motivate me to work harder, it is definitely a great backbone to have in my occupation. A motivator that is in place in my current workplace that definitely motivates me to do my best is advancement. I currently work in microbiology as a lab assistant, and my goal is to become a Clinical Laboratory Scientist. The hospital I am employed at provides the CLS program, and it is definitely a motivator for me to not only work my best, but to create meaningful connections with my coworkers, especially the scientists who are in the panel for hiring for the CLS program.
Discussion 4 Prompt – People do not resist change for the better, which benefits them. They are likely to resist change imposed from above which does not benefit them and which may make work and life more difficult and less rewarding. Think of a situation in your workplace in which people were resistant to change. How did management get these individuals to embrace the change?
#5 – Cody
There are many issues with creating change in the workplace since most people get used to the system or procedures that have been implemented in their workplace for a long time and already work. With the introduction of a change in any workplace setting training on that change is needed as well as constant supervision since people are not used to the new information and tasks that were given to them. A good example of this would be safety training and procedures since new laws always are coming out for better safety measures in the workplace, new training is implemented such as training videos and demonstrations such as training videos that many of us including myself is forced to take part in and in some cases a quick quiz at the end is taken so the employer can take note on how people are retaining the new information. Simple safety changes like these are implemented all the time in the workplace and many people tend to gloss over them since for the part no one is supervising the new safety changes, however if there is supervision then there will be better retention on this new information. On the topic of safety training, it is also shown that “Studies show that safety can help boost employee engagement and motivation.” (Lisam, Para. 8, 2021)
Staying Safe: How Safety Affects Employee Retention (2021, November 30). Lisam.
#6 – Steve
I remember two instances in my previous position with my current employer where co-workers were resistant to change. As Specimen Processors, management expected us to process a minimum number of samples thar were measured per hour and shift.
First, a former supervisor tried implementing a process where she would talk to everyone individually in their work area. She had a sheet with her and would briefly discuss the employee’s numbers from the previous week, which was followed by positive or negative feedback. No prior supervisor had ever done this, so people started questioning this. When the supervisor spoke to a nearby co-worker, she told the supervisor that the sheet could go in the trash because she didn’t need it. When another processor was approached, he told the supervisor he didn’t care about his numbers and threw the sheet to the floor. These instances demonstrate how people saw this process as pointless and unnecessary. About two weeks later, this process ended.
Another time, this same supervisor tried changing the 3rd shift’s schedule. In a meeting, she mentioned people would start at 8 pm on their first four days of the week. On their fifth day, they would begin at midnight. People disapproved of this because it meant a reduction of their weekend time. When changes like these are implemented, and people feel that the cons outweigh the pros, there’s likely to be a high resistance to such changes