Advanced Pollution Prevention Assignment Help

Analyze at least two of the four source-reduction options listed in the textbook.
Input material changes
Technology changes
Procedural changes
Product material changes
Summarize at least two of the five recycling options listed in the textbook.
Direct reuse onsite
Additional recovery onsite
Recovery offsite
Sale for reuse offsite
Energy recovery
Appraise the importance of upper management’s commitment to P2. Explore the value of corporate philosophy on P2 in production of your product.
Summarize pollution prevention methods for the petroleum, transportation, and nanotechnology industries or for the paint/coating, pesticide formulating, and pulp/paper industries.

In addition to your textbook, you must utilize at least two peer-reviewed articles from the online library (one in support of a source reduction option and one in support of a recycling option). In your paper, limit the number of direct quotations from references. The vast majority of your paper should contain paraphrased information from your sources and should include your own thoughts on source reduction and recycling.