Can Cities Enhance Resilience While Implementing Smart City Planning? A Systematic Review of the Literature

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Title: Can Cities Enhance Resilience While Implementing Smart City Planning? A Systematic Review of the Literature


  • Context and importance of urban resilience and smart city planning
  • Definitions of key terms: urban resilience and smart city planning
  • Research question: “Can cities enhance their resilience while implementing smart city planning?”

Literaeture Review

  • Overview of urban resilience and smart city planning concepts
  • Previous research findings on the integration of resilience in smart city frameworks
  • Identification of gaps in the existing literature on urban resilience and smart city planning
  • Fig. 1: Conceptual framework of integrating urban resilience within smart city planning.


  • Stage 1: Planning the Review
  • ·  Research aim and question
  • Keywords and search terms
    • Table 1: Keywords and Search Terms
  • Inclusion and exclusion criteria
    • Table 2: Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
    • Fig. 2. Literature selection procedure.

·  Stage 2: Conducting the Review

  • Database search (Scopus, ScienceDirect, Web of Science, etc.)
  • Article selection process (initial screening, full-text review)
  • Final selection of articles
    • Table 3: Summary of Reviewed Articles

Stage 3: Reporting the Review

  • Descriptive and structural analysis
  • Categorization of themes (e.g., resilience integration, technological challenges, policy frameworks)


·  General observations from the reviewed literature

·  Identified themes and their implications

  • Resilience Integration: How resilience is incorporated into smart city planning
    • Table 4: Issues Related to Resilience Integration in Smart City Planning
  • Technological Challenges: Issues with using smart technologies for resilience
    • Table 5: Technological Challenges in Enhancing Urban Resilience
  • Policy Frameworks: Role of policy in supporting urban resilience in smart city contexts
    • Table 6: Policy Frameworks for Supporting Urban Resilience in Smart City Planning

·  Discussion

  • Interpretation of findings
  • Comparison with other studies and theoretical implications
  • Policy recommendations for enhancing urban resilience through smart city planning

·  Conclusion

  • Summary of key findings
  • Limitations of the study
  • Suggestions for future research directions

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PRISMA Literature Review Project Example

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