CNA Policy Brief Assignment Help

CNA Policy Brief

You are a nurse working for the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) in a policy position. You have been asked to prepare a policy brief for the CNA Board of Directors that offers background information, analysis, and recommendations on a global/environmental health issue. The policy brief should include:

1. The background of the problem/how & why it is linked to globalization forces/why it is a problem for health and care;

2. What policies/actions will address this problem and what organizations should be involved, and

3. Specific policy/political actions/advocacy the CNA should take and why.

This assignment is intended to take the form of a policy brief rather than a scholarly paper; use of images, infographics, and bullet points will be acceptable. Full and correct sentence structure, grammar, and APA citations are still required. See the rubric below for detailed instructions and evaluation criteria.

Evaluation criteria:

  1. Select one global/environmental/planetary health issue. Include the background of the problem, how and why it is linked to globalization forces, why it is a problem for health and health care. Note, emergence of other factors relevant to the issue may be included, novel ideas and connection to broader concepts as evidence of critical and original thought is encouraged.
  2. Identify what policies or actions will address this problem, with supporting evidence.
  3. Specify policy, political actions, or advocacy the CNA should be involved with related to the issue and why.

CNA Policy Brief

CriteriaUnsatisfactoryMeets ExpectationsExceeds Expectations
Global, environmental, or planetary health issue; background, globalization, and implications for health/health care are addressed.A global, environmental, or planetary health issue is not identified. An issue is identified, but discussion lacks depth, breadth, or clarity.  A current and relevant global, environmental, or planetary health issue is identified.
The issue is discussed in adequate depth, breadth, and clarity. There is a sense of completeness and comprehensiveness of the discussion.  
A highly relevant and current global, environmental, or planetary health issue is identified. The issue is discussed in superior depth and breadth, presenting novel ideas and forming connections to broader concepts.
Policies, actions to address issue and identification of responsible organizations.Policies, actions to address issue are not identified; responsible organizations are not identified. Criteria is identified, but discussion lacks depth, breadth, or clarity.  Policies, actions to address issue as well as responsible organizations are adequately identified and discussed. Discussion is informed by evidence.Highly relevant policies, actions to address issue are identified and discussed in superior detail and clarity. Ideas are strongly supported by evidence and are reflective of creative, original, and critical thought.  
Policies, political actions, or advocacy of CNA.Policies, political actions, or advocacy of CNA are not identified. Criteria are met, but discussion lacks relevance, depth, reflexiveness, or clarity.  Relevant policies, political actions, or advocacy of CNA are adequately identified and discussed.Highly relevant policies, political actions, or advocacy of CNA are superiorly identified and discussed. Discussion reflects thoughtful and critical examination of effective actions and role of CNA.  
Use of literature.Does not support ideas with relevant, current, high-quality literature.  Ideas are supported with some relevant, high-quality, current literature and secondary sources when appropriate.  Ideas are supported with highly relevant, current, high-quality literature. Reputable secondary sources are used when appropriate.  
Scholarly writing and format.Includes title page in APA format. Two or more pieces of information missing (Name, Student number, course, course code, name of university, Professor name, due date)  Reference page in APA format missing two or more of the criteria (new page, references centered bold, double spaced, hanging indents)  Exceeds 8 pages or under 6 pages and issues with all formatting criteria: double spaced, 12 font Times New Roman  Many errors with in-text references.  Includes title page in APA format. Some information missing (Name, Student number, course, course code, name of university, Professor name, due date)  Reference page in APA format (new page, references centered bold, double spaced, hanging indents)  Exceeds 8 pages or under 6 pages and issues with one or more formatting criteria: double spaced, 12 font Times New Roman  one-two errors with in-text reference.  Includes title page in APA format. All Information included (Name, Student number, course, course code, name of university, Professor name, due date)  Reference page in APA format (new page, references centered bold, double spaced, hanging indents)  Maximum of 6-8 pages double spaced, 12 font Times New Roman  No errors with in-text references.  