This essay should have 3 main points where you will compare and contrast both books. Add quotes or reference ONLY from the two books given in each body paragraph for the proof. Ensure the quality of the writing is at a grade 12 writing level. Follow this structure to write the essay:
Essay Template:
ENG4U Final Comparative Essay Rubric
Name _____________________________
Item | Value | Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 4+ | Mark |
Thesis (Thinking/Inquiry) | 5 | Thesis does not anticipate the argument clearly. No mention of authors or texts. | Thesis somewhat anticipates the argument. Improper mention of author or texts. | Thesis anticipates the argument clearly. Author and texts included. | Exceptional, well structured thesis. Well developed and arguable. Concise, clear, relevant, specific and as a whole, a reasonably sound basis with which to base essay | |
Intro – Hook, texts, topic & Supporting Statements. (Thinking/Inquiry) | 10 | Hook unclear or missing. Authors and texts may not be complete or missing altogether. Topic vague and unclear. Supporting statements do not anticipate body section. | Hook may be vague or off topic. Authors and texts mentioned but lack clarity or fluency in writing. Supporting statements somewhat anticipate body statements. May be confusing or off topic | Includes basic hook that isn’t overstated and is on topic. Intros authors and texts. Topic is introduced clearly. Supporting statements anticipate body statements. | Hook captures attention of reader – on topic, focused, Clearly introduces texts and authors. Topic clear and focused. Supporting statements/arguments clearly anticipate body statements. | |
Paragraph Structure (Thinking/Inquiry) | 15 | Weak or no topic sentences, transition/conclusion sentences. Much oo long or too short. | Topic and/or transition/ conclusion sentences somewhat effective. Somewhat long or short as a whole. One or both paragraphs fail to include all aspects of proper structure. | Effective topic and transition/conclusion introduces paragraph. Paragraphs structured fairly well – easy to follow – all points included. | Both are effective and well structured paragraphs. Few to no errors in format, transitions, topic sentences. Point (context), evidence, expl. & analysis all included Effective transitions and concluding statements. | |
Logic of Argument (Thinking/Inquiry) | 30 | Argument is weak, scattered,non-sequential. Ideas poorly devel | Argument is somewhat coherent and sequential. Ideas are somewhat developed. | Argument is coherent and sequential. Ideas are well developed. | Argument is very coherent and sequential. Ideas are exceptionally well devel. | |
Comparison of Texts (Thinking/Inquiry) | Poor grounds for comparison. Comparison not clear; relation between texts tenuous. | Somewhat good grounds for comparison. Somewhat clear comparisons and connections between texts. | Good grounds for comparison. Clear comparison and connection between texts. | Excellent grounds for comparison. Excellent comparison and connection between texts. | ||
Evidence (Knowledge) | Evidence are not relevant, present or properly integrated. Not clear | Evidence are somewhat relevant and properly integrated. Somewhat clear | Evidence strengthen the argument and are well integrated. Mostly clear | Exceptional use of evidence. Very well integrated & clear. | ||
Style (Communication) | 20 | Poor stylistic elements. Informal language, 1st person voice, contractions, weak vocabulary, etc. | Decent stylistic elements. Sometimes strong, fluid, formal acad voice – POV, tense, diction, sent struc. | Good stylistic elements. Mostly strong, fluid, formal acad voice – POV, tense, diction, sent struc. | Exceptional stylistic elements. Strong, fluid, formal acad voice – POV, tense, diction, sent struc. | |
Grammar/Spelling (Application) | 5 | Many errors – significant editing needed | Many errors or some errors that do distract reader | Some errors but do not detract from communication | Few to no errors. | |
Outline (KU/App/TI) | 15 | Missing or incomplete outline. Not basis for essay | Decent outline with some weak or missing elements. More evidence detail needed | A good outline. Solid basis for essay. Some points need more detail/evidence | An exceptional outline Basis for exceptional essay. All points included |
Total: /100