Informed consent Assignment Help

Research:  You will write a three page paper as discussed below.  Find and use in your paper three additional sources that discuss the ethics of human experimentation and health care “informed consent.” 

The Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis

Write: A double spaced paper based on your viewing and research.  The paper must be a minimum of three and no more than five pages. Cite the viewings and your research material.   No title pages please.  Your citation page does not count towards the page requirement. 

  1. Briefly summarize the relevant facts.
  2. Identify and discuss the ethical issues.  Here are some of the issues you may want to address:

      How much do you have to tell a participant about a study?

      Is race ever a public health study concern?

      When a treatment is available, is it ethical to withhold it from a study participant?

      May politics ever be considered in public health research?

      Individual rights v. the common good:  Is it ethical to suppress individual autonomy for the greater good?

  1. How could the matter been handled differently.