Module 1: Project Development Chapter 1 & Teleconference

The DNP Project Planning course is a pivotal part of the Doctor of Nursing Practice program, laying the groundwork for your Capstone Project. Module 1, “Project Development Chapter 1 & Teleconference,” is the first step in this journey, focusing on initiating the development of your final project. This module sets the stage for your project by guiding you through the selection of a topic, the formulation of Chapter One, and the first teleconference with your faculty mentor and preceptor. Here’s an in-depth look at what you can expect in Module 1 and how we at can assist you every step of the way.

Overview of Module 1- Project Development and Initial Drafting

In Module 1, you will begin developing your final project by selecting a topic and starting the formulation of Chapter One. This chapter is crucial as it introduces your project, discussing the purpose of conducting the investigation and providing a contextual framework. Key assumptions, delimitations, and limitations are described, and the project question, which guides the project, is identified and discussed.

Key Activities in Module 1:

  • Lecture Overview: Initiate the development of your final project, integrating practical experience hours.
  • Topic Description: Describe your project topic and begin formulating Chapter One.
  • Rough Draft Submission: Submit a rough draft of Chapter One by the end of the module.

Teleconference with Faculty Mentor and Preceptor

A significant component of Module 1 is the teleconference with your faculty mentor and preceptor. This teleconference is an opportunity to discuss the immersion activities, establish objectives, and set expectations for your project.

Key Points for Teleconference:

  • Discussion Topics: Objectives, expectations, and strategies for accomplishing the project.
  • Documentation: Summarize the conversation in a Word document, including who attended, discussed objectives and expectations, and strategies for achieving them. Include a link to the teleconference recording.
  • Formatting: APA format with a title page, introduction, body, and conclusion.

Detailed Breakdown of Module 1

Learning Activities

  1. Lecture: Module 1 Overview
    • Initiate project development and integrate practical experience hours.
    • Describe your topic and begin formulating Chapter One.
    • Use the manuscript template provided in the DNP Lounge.
  2. Assignment: Initial Draft of Chapter One
    • Develop the introduction of your project, setting the stage for the entire project.
    • Use the DNP project template and follow APA guidelines.
    • The chapter should be approximately 3000-3750 words.
  3. Discussion: Journal Quiz Question
    • Locate a completed project using ProQuest database.
    • Identify project questions, methodology, conclusions, and suggestions for future research.
    • Reflect on the project process in a minimum of 250 words.
  4. Assignment: Teleconference Summary
    • Summarize the teleconference conversation.
    • Document objectives, expectations, and strategies discussed.
    • Format the summary in APA style.
  5. Assignment: Immersion Approval Letter
    • Upload your Immersion Approval Letter within the first three days of the course.

Learning Materials

To support your learning, the following texts are recommended:

  • Anderson, B.A., Knestrick, J.M, Barroso, R. (2014). DNP Capstone Projects: Exemplars of Excellence in Practice (1st ed.). Springer Publishing. ISBN: 978-0826130259
  • Moran, K.J., Burson, R., & Conrad, D. (2019). The Doctor of Nursing Practice Project: A Framework for Success (3rd ed.). Jones and Bartlett Learning. ISBN: 9781284156959

Additional Resources

Incorporate peer-reviewed scholarly work using library and search engine databases to enhance your project quality.

Key Assignments

Discussion: Journal Quiz Question

Using the ProQuest database in the Aspen University library or PQDT Open database, locate a completed project related to your topic. Identify the project questions, methodology, conclusions, and suggestions for future research. Reflect on what you found most surprising and the most challenging aspect of the project process. Each short-answer Journal Quiz response should be a minimum of 250 words.

Assignment: Teleconference

The DNP course teleconferences offer an opportunity for faculty mentors to assess and monitor your immersion activities. Teleconferences will be conducted via Bongo and recorded. These calls occur during modules one, four, and eight in each DNP project course. Summarize the teleconference in a Word document, including who attended, discussed objectives and expectations, and strategies for achieving these objectives. This should be formatted in APA style.

Assignment: Develop Initial Work on Chapter One

Begin working on Chapter One of your DNP project, using project examples to guide you. This chapter introduces your project, describing its purpose and the contextual framework. It should be approximately 3000-3750 words and use the DNP project template provided in the DNP Lounge. Follow the most current edition of the APA Manual for all work in this course.

Assignment: Immersion Approval Letter

Upload your Immersion Approval Letter to the drop box within the first three days of this course. If you do not have an Immersion Approval Letter, you will need to withdraw from this class and contact the Office of Field Experience.

Other Topics

  1. Project Development Chapter 1 & Teleconference
  2. Project Development Chapter 2
  3. Project Development Chapter 3
  4. The Project Committee
  5. Drafting Chapters 1, 2, & 3
  6. Continue Chapters 1, 2, & 3
  7. Review Drafts of Chapters 1, 2, & 3
  8. Chapters 1, 2, 3 & Teleconference