Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Assignment Help

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Describe your state’s position on Medicaid expansion. How has this helped/hurt health care in your state?

Answering the Prompt on Medicaid Expansion in Your State (APA Style)

Here’s a breakdown on how to answer the prompt regarding Medicaid expansion in your state using APA style:


  • Briefly introduce the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) and its Medicaid expansion provision.
  • State the purpose of your response: to discuss your state’s position on Medicaid expansion and its impact on healthcare.

State’s Position on Medicaid Expansion

  • Identify your state’s current stance on Medicaid expansion. Is it expanded, non-expanded, or considering expansion?
  • Provide evidence to support your claim. You can reference official state government websites, news articles, or policy reports.

Impact on Healthcare (Positive)

  • Discuss how Medicaid expansion has benefitted healthcare in your state (if applicable).
  • Use evidence from credible sources (e.g., government reports, academic studies) to support your claims. Here are some potential areas to explore:
    • Increased health insurance coverage rates for low-income adults.
    • Improved access to preventive care and treatment for chronic conditions.
    • Reduced financial burden of healthcare costs for individuals and families.
    • Increased economic activity due to a healthier workforce.

Impact on Healthcare (Negative)

  • Discuss potential drawbacks of Medicaid expansion in your state (if applicable).
  • Maintain a neutral tone and cite evidence from credible sources (e.g., government reports, academic studies) to support your claims. Here are some potential areas to explore:
    • Increased strain on state budgets due to federal funding limitations.
    • Potential for provider shortages depending on reimbursement rates.
    • Concerns about the quality of care delivered through Medicaid.

Balance and Conclusion

  • Summarize the key points about your state’s position on Medicaid expansion and its impact on healthcare.
  • If your state hasn’t expanded Medicaid, discuss potential arguments for and against expansion.
  • Conclude by emphasizing the importance of access to healthcare and the need for continued evaluation of Medicaid expansion’s impact.

APA Formatting

  • Use double-spaced lines and 12-point Times New Roman font.
  • Include a title page with your name, course name, instructor’s name, and date.
  • Use in-text citations (author, year) to acknowledge sources within the text.
  • Create a reference list at the end of your paper following APA style guidelines for citing websites, news articles, and academic journals.

The Impact of Medicaid Expansion on Healthcare in California Essay Example


The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) offered states the option to expand Medicaid eligibility. This essay examines California’s decision to expand Medicaid and explores the impact on healthcare access and outcomes. Studies suggest a significant increase in coverage rates, improved access to preventive care, and a reduction in the number of uninsured individuals seeking care in emergency rooms. However, concerns remain regarding potential strain on state budgets and provider shortages.


The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010 aimed to expand health insurance coverage in the United States. A key provision allowed states to expand Medicaid eligibility to adults with incomes up to 138% of the federal poverty level (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2023). This essay investigates California’s decision to expand Medicaid and analyzes its impact on the state’s healthcare system.

California’s Medicaid Expansion

California implemented Medicaid expansion in 2014, significantly increasing the number of eligible residents. A report by the California Health Benefits Review Program (CHBRP, 2022) shows that the number of covered individuals under Medicaid grew by over 4 million since expansion. This resulted in a substantial decrease in the state’s uninsured rate, with a reported drop from 17.2% in 2013 to 7.0% in 2021 (California Health and Human Services Agency, 2023).

Positive Impacts

The expansion of Medicaid in California has demonstrably improved healthcare access for low-income residents. Studies by researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) (Song et al., 2020) found a significant increase in preventive care utilization, such as well-child visits and cancer screenings, among newly eligible Medicaid enrollees. Additionally, a report by the California Budget & Policy Center (CBPC, 2021) suggests a reduction in the number of uninsured individuals seeking care in emergency rooms, potentially lowering overall healthcare costs.

Potential Drawbacks

Despite the positive impacts, concerns remain regarding the long-term sustainability of Medicaid expansion in California. The CBPC (2021) report highlights the potential for increased strain on state budgets due to the ongoing financial responsibility for a larger Medicaid population, even with federal funding support. Additionally, concerns exist about potential provider shortages, particularly in rural areas, where reimbursement rates might not be sufficient to attract and retain healthcare professionals (California Healthcare Foundation, 2020).


California’s decision to expand Medicaid has demonstrably increased health insurance coverage rates and improved access to preventive care for low-income residents. However, potential challenges remain regarding long-term financial sustainability and provider shortages. Continued monitoring and evaluation are crucial to ensure the program’s effectiveness and address emerging issues.


California Health and Human Services Agency. (2023, January 11). Uninsured rates in California.

California Healthcare Foundation. (2020, December 17). California’s physician workforce: Challenges and opportunities.

California Health Benefits Review Program (CHBRP). (2022, June). California health care Almanac: Coverage & access.

Kaiser Family Foundation. (2023, March 15). Medicaid and CHIP: A primer.

Song, D. H., Mechanic, R. E., Yu, H., & Wu, J. (2020). The impact of Medicaid expansion on preventive care utilization among newly eligible adults in California. Health Services Research, 55(11), 2092-2101.

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