Policy Analysis to Impact Population Health

Policy Analysis to Impact Population Health



The purpose of this discussion is to analyze a health policy related to the selected population and practice problem.

This week, you discovered that the focus of healthcare policy has a growing emphasis on population health outcomes. As a DNP-prepared nurse, you must be able to critically appraise healthcare policies to influence policy decisions at every level.


Review the lesson and readings about Bardach’s eightfold steps to policy analysis, especially in the Chapter 4 Policy Analysis section of the Patton text. Then, select a healthcare policy that impacts, or has the potential to impact, the practice problem and population selected in previous weeks of this course.

The following links will assist in your search for policies and/or bills.

Current Legislative ActivitiesLinks to an external site. (Congress.gov)

NursingLinks to an external site. (Gov info)

NursingLinks to an external site. (Govtrack)

You can select a broad, national health policy (i.e., Accountable Care Act) or one that is specified for a specific health issue (i.e., Minority Diabetes Initiative Act).

Critically appraise the healthcare policy using Bardach’s eightfold steps to policy analysis:

1.            Define the problem

2.            Assemble evidence

3.            Develop alternatives

4.            Select criteria to evaluate the alternatives

5.            Project outcomes

6.            Analyze trade-offs

7.            Make decisions

8.            Communicate results

Please click on the following link to review the DNP Discussion Guidelines on the Student Resource Center program page:

DNP Discussion Guidelines

Program Competencies

This discussion enables the student to meet the following program competencies:

5.            Analyzes health care policies to advocate for equitable health care and social justice to all populations and those at risk due to social determinants of health. (POs 2, 9)

7.            Translates a synthesis of research and population data to support preventative care and improve the nation’s health. (PO 1)

8.            Leads others in professional identity, advanced clinical judgment, systems thinking, resilience, and accountability in selecting, implementing, and evaluating clinical care. (PO 1)

Course Outcomes

This discussion enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

1.            Critically analyze the history, formation, and implementation of local, state and national health policies from the perspectives of stakeholders and the profession of nursing. (PC 5; PO 2)

2.            Synthesize ethical and legal principles to advocate for value-based, equitable, and ethical health policies at the micro, meso, and macrosystem levels. (PC 5; PO 9)

3.            Assimilate epidemiology principles and interventions to impact the social determinants of health, Global Burden of Disease, and population health outcomes. (PCs 7, 8; PO 1)

6.            Demonstrate collaborative interprofessional leadership and political competency to develop and implement healthcare policy to improve healthcare delivery and population health outcomes. (PC 5; PO 2)

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