Political and civic engagement of a professional nursing organization

Construct a 2- or 3-page paper in which you explore the political and civic engagement of a professional nursing organization. Provide clear connections to health equity and the impact of the organization.

To prepare:

Review the Learning Resources assigned in this module.
Review the APA resources in the Walden University Writing Center.
Research (utilizing the resources provided in this module) a professional nursing organization to discover the group’s civic engagement.
Reflect on the health equity connection between the organization and the engagement.

The Assignment (2-3 pages)

Construct a 2- or 3-page paper in which you explore the political and civic engagement of a professional nursing organization. Provide clear connections to health equity and the impact of the organization.

Reminder: The College of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references.

 Week 5: Assignment 2

Criteria RatingsPts
Identified political and civic engagement in a professional nursing organization40 to >30.0 pts Masters Expectations The response comprehensively and clearly identifies political and civic engagement in a professional nursing organization. The response includes relevant, specific, and appropriate examples that fully support the identification. 30 to >24.0 pts Achieves Expectations The response identifies political and civic engagement in a professional nursing organization. The response includes relevant, specific, and appropriate examples that support the identification.24 to >0 pts Does Not Meet Expectations The response inaccurately and vaguely identifies political and/or civic engagement in a professional nursing organization, or it is missing. The response includes inaccurate and vague examples that do40 pts
Described connection to health equity and the impact of the organization40 to >30.0 pts Masters Expectations The response comprehensively and clearly describes the connection between health equity and the impact of the organization. The response includes relevant, specific, and appropriate examples that fully support the description. 30 to >24.0 pts Achieves Expectations The response describes the connection between health equity and the impact of the organization. The response includes relevant, specific, and appropriate examples that support the description.not support identification, or it is missing.24 to >0 pts Does Not Meet Expectations The response inaccurately and vaguely describes the connection between health equity and the impact of the organization, or it is missing. The response includes inaccurate and vague examples that do not support description, or it is missing.40 pts
Professional writing: Context, organization, audience, purpose, tone, style, clarity, flow10 to >7.33 pts Masters Expectations Demonstrates full awareness of writing context, audience, and purpose Content is generally clear, logical, and well organized with appropriate sentence and paragraph structure. Tone is highly professional, scholarly, and free of bias. Style is consistently appropriate for a professional setting/workplace context. Mostly free of spelling,7.33 to >6.0 pts Achieves Expectations Demonstrates some awareness of writing context, audience, and purpose Content is mostly clear, logical, and well organized with adequate sentence and paragraph structure. Tone is adequately professional, scholarly, and/or free of bias. Style is mostly appropriate for a professional setting/workplace context. Contains few spelling,6 to >0 pts Does Not Meet Expectations Demonstrates minimal awareness of writing context, audience, and purpose Content lacks clarity, logic, and/or discernible organization; does not use proper sentence and paragraph structure. Tone is not professional/scholarly and/or contains bias. Style is inconsistent with a professional setting/workplace context. Contains significant spelling, punctuation, and/or grammar/syntax errors10 pts
Criteria Ratings Pts
 punctuation, andpunctuation, and/or  
Professional writing: Originality, source credibility, and attribution of ideasgrammar/syntax errors 10 to >7.33 pts Masters Expectations Writing fully reflects original thought and paraphrasing and adheres to reference requirements, including the use of credible evidence to support a claim while incorporating appropriate citations and references in APA format. grammar/syntax errors 7.33 to >6.0 pts Achieves Expectations Writing adequately reflects original thought and paraphrasing and adheres to reference requirements, including the use of credib evidence to support a claim while incorporating appropriate citations and references in APA format.le6 to >0 pts Does Not Meet Expectations Writing does not reflect original thought and paraphrasing and does not adhere to reference requirements, including the use of credible evidence to support a claim while incorporating appropriate citations and references in APA format.10 pts
   Total Points: 100
