LCS2347-Gender and Language assignment help

LCS2347-Gender and Language assignment help

English Writing Requirement Assignment Guidelines (SPEED)

Subject codeLCS2347
Subject titleGender and Language
Credit value3
Weighting of the writing requirement assignment40% (30% by CAR Teacher + 10% by Language Teacher)
Word limitDraft 1: 700 words (to Language Teacher) Draft 2: 900 – 1,500 words (to Language Teacher) Final assignment: 1,500 – 2,500 words (to Subject Lecturer)
GenreAnalytical Research Paper (with elements of data collection, discourse analysis and theoretical application; following the conventional “IMRD” organisation of a research article)
Writing instructions for students    In this assignment, students will explore and critically analyse gender issues in the context of Hong Kong through a mini-discourse analysis. By examining linguistic materials that they collected, students will apply concepts from the course to gain insights into how language is used to convey (and even reinforce) gender roles, stereotypes, and power dynamics. Students are required to follow the below instructions to complete the assignment: Material Selection: Choose a linguistic material that effectively illustrates gender differences and power relationships in communication. You may use conversations between individuals, movie scenes, TV drama segments, podcast excerpts, or advertising dialogues. Make sure the chosen material is approximately 2-3 minutes in duration. Transcription: Transcribe the selected material accurately, capturing the spoken language as closely as possible. If the original dialogue is in Cantonese, provide an English translation for analysis purposes. Include both the Chinese and English transcripts in your assignment. Analysis: Apply the theoretical concepts and frameworks introduced in the course to your chosen material. Pay attention to linguistic features, including, but not limited to, content, speech patterns, tone, and language choice. Analyze how these linguistic elements contribute to the construction of gender identities and power dynamics. Literature Review: Incorporate concepts from the required course readings, and seek additional scholarly sources related to gender and language. Use this literature to establish a theoretical framework for your analysis. Ensure proper citation and referencing throughout your assignment. Discussion: Interpret your findings and address questions such as: What insights do the linguistic features in your material provide about gender roles and power dynamics? How do these findings relate to broader societal norms and expectations regarding gender?
Role of readingStudents must engage with academic literature related to gender and language to build a theoretical framework for their analysis. Reading these scholarly sources (e.g. journal papers and books) provides students with insights into existing research, enabling them to contextualise their findings within the broader academic conversation.  
Organisational pattern    I. Introduction Significance/ Relevance of the topic Why is the topic relevant/ important in the Hong Kong context? How is the topic relevant to the concepts and theories explored in the course? Brief Literature Review Key concepts in gender and language Summary of relevant research Preview of the essay (thesis statement) What is/ are the main argument(s) in this essay? How is the rest of the essay organised? II. Methods Introduction of the material selected for analysis Description of data collection and preparation processes Explanation of discourse analytical method used III. Results Presentation of key findings Exemplifying analysis with transcription excerpts (English and/ or Chinese [translation or glossing is required]) àThemes Brief interpretation of the findings (what do the findings indicate/ suggest/ imply?) IV. Discussion and Conclusion Restatement of the thesis (what have been done in the paper) How do the findings corroborate the previous research literature? Brief discussion on broader implications of the research, major limitation(s) of the research and future study/ studies that address the limitation(s) V. References Listing all cited sources (ordered alphabetically by authors’ last names) NO numbering or bullet points   VI. Appendices Full transcription of the selected material     Draft 1 and Draft 2 should include:   Draft 1: (700 words) Brief literature review (to be incorporated into the Introduction in Draft 2 à Focus Methods Citation and references   Draft 2: (900 – 1,500 words) Introduction Methods (revised) Outline of Results and Discussion Citation and references (updated/ revised)  
References / Formatting style    APA 7th edition ( This publishing style covers not only in-text citation and referencing, but also Paper format (including the use of headings, font size and type, margins and line spacing) Grammar and mechanics Tables and figures, and Bias-free language (essential for this subject)   We strongly encourage students to read the above links carefully to ensure that the paper is consistently and professionally formatted, and that the language choice is made accurately and bias-free.
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