Impact of Tele-mental Health Platforms on Counselors in Private Practice help

Impact of Tele-mental Health Platforms on Counselors in Private Practice

The Impact of Tele-mental Health Platforms on Counselors in Private Practice: An Examination of Therapeutic Relationships, Ethical Concerns, and Platform Efficacy.

Looking to explore how tele-mental health platforms affect counselors in private practice? At Reliable Assignments Help, we provide comprehensive research paper assistance on the impact of these platforms. We delve into the dynamics of therapeutic relationships, ethical considerations, and the efficacy of tele-mental health platforms. Our experts analyze the latest studies and data to offer valuable insights into this evolving field. Trust us to guide you through the complexities of researching and writing about the impact of tele-mental health platforms on counselors.

Impact of Tele-mental Health Platforms on Counselors in Private Practice Template

Title Page


Full Title of Your Paper

In this section address the context, issue, relevance, and objective of your study.  Remember that references to your study are written in the future tense and references to completed studies are written in the past tense. [RJ4] The literature review is incorporated into this section, and you should use a minimum of six citations as you draw from the literature to establish the context, issue, relevance, and objective of your study.  You may find it useful to draw upon the skills you used in completing the Needs Assessment assignment in 480-8 Methods 3: Skills for Social Justice Advocacy, Outreach, and Prevention to fully address the context, issue, and relevance of your topic in this section.

Purpose statement

            In this section you state the purpose of your study and identify the study method as qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods.  The syllabus currently requires either a quantitative or mixed-methods study to meet the requirements of the course. Typically, the purpose statement begins with one of the following sentence starters adapted from Creswell (2012):

  • The purpose of this qualitative study will be to (action verb)(central phenomenon) for (participants) at (research location).  At this stage in the research (central phenomenon) will be generally defined as (give your general definition).
  • The purpose of this quantitative study will be to compare (group A) and (group B) in terms of (DV) for (participants) at (research location).
  • The purpose of this quantitative study will be to describe the effect of (IV) on (DV) for (participants) at (research location).
  • The purpose of this quantitative study will be to test for a relationship between (IV) and (DV) for (participants) at (research location).
  • The purpose of this mixed-methods study will be to describe the effect of (IV) on (DV) for (participants) at (research location). This study will also (action verb)(central phenomenon) for (participants) at (research location).  At this stage in the research (central phenomenon) will be generally defined as (give your general definition).

Research Question

            In this section you will state the research question or questions for your study.  A mixed-method study will require a minimum of two research questions (one qualitative and one quantitative).

Quantitative research questions usually begin with how, what, or why. The following are example templates adapted from Creswell (2012) for several different kinds of quantitative research questions:

  • How often do (participants)(variable) at (research location)?
  • What difference, if any, is there between (group A) and (group B) in terms of (dependent variable) for (participants) at (research location)?
  • What correlation, if any, is there between (independent variable) and (dependent variable) for (participants) at (research location)?
  • What relationship, if any, is there between (independent variable) and (dependent variable) for (participants) at (research location)?

Qualitative research questions usually begin with what or how. The following are example templates adapted from Creswell (2012) for several different kinds of qualitative research questions:

  • What are the attitudes of (participants) towards (phenomenon)?
  • How do (participants) describe (phenomenon)?
  • What is it like (phenomenon) in (research location)?
  • What are the experiences of (participants)(phenomenon)?

Hypothesis/Central Phenomenon

            Quantitative and mixed-methods studies will name a hypothesis.  Using hypothesis notation , please list the hypothesis and the null hypothesis. The purpose statement in a qualitative study will include the naming of the central phenomenon and, for the purposes of this proposal, qualitative studies will highlight the central phenomenon in this section.  You might use the following sentence starter: The central phenomenon of this study is….

Theoretical Framework

            The theoretical framework names the theory of theories you are using in your study. Briefly name the theory or theories and the theorists who developed the theory and describe why this theory is relevant to your study given what you wrote in the introduction about the context, issue, and objective of your study. You might draw upon skills in describing a theory that you used in 411-6 Psychodynamic Counseling; 412-6 Theory and Technique of Group Counseling and Psychotherapy; 416-6 Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy; 422-6 Foundations of Family, Marital, and Couples Counseling; 452-6 Theory and Technique of Substance Abuse; 483-6 Ethics and legal Issues in Counseling; and 483-7 Multicultural Counseling. Typically, this section includes one to two citations. You will list and define the key terms of the theory or theoretical framework under key terms.

Key terms

            These are the operationalized key terms and concepts from your theoretical framework that are guiding your study. Each key term or concept should have a citation. Often researchers are using key terms that were operationalized by other researchers.  The following sentence starters illustrate the use of narrative citation in defining your key terms:

Following Last-Name-First-Author and Last-Name-Second-Author (Year), name-of-term in this study will refer to…

Informed by Last-Name-First-Author and Last-Name-Second-Author (Year), name-of-term in this study indicates…


            In this section you will describe the design of your study and why this design is appropriate to study your research question.


            In this section you will discuss sample size and characteristics of study population, likelihood that description of sample selection will correlate with representative sample of population, and your recruitment plan.


            In this section you will discuss the instruments used in your study.  Each instrument should be listed under its own subheading.  Under the specific instrument subheading you should name the instrument source or developers, address the reliability and validity of the instrument, any information on whom the instrument was normed, and other pertinent information like number of items in each scale and subscales.  The skills and approaches to describing and evaluating assessments that you learned in 423-6 Assessment in Counseling 2 or 426-6 Assessment in Counseling can serve as a useful model for discussing the instruments. Each instrument should include at least one citation.


            In this section you will discuss the research design, data collection, and the step-by-step how-to of your study.  The section typically begins with a brief discussion of the research design in which you will tell us more about the research design within the research method named in the purpose statement.  In a quantitative study you will name designs like correlational explanatory design, correlational predictive design, survey cross-sectional design, or between-subjects pre and posttest design.  In a qualitative study you will name designs like grounded theory, phenomenology, ethnography, narrative inquiry, and case study.  In a mixed-methods study you will name elements of both qualitative and quantitative designs. After naming and explaining your research design describe, in order, how you will conduct your study and collect your data.  A researcher should be able to read this section and replicate your study from the instructions you write out.


 In this section you will identify the appropriate statistical test of the hypothesis and/or qualitative method of analysis. In addition to the Statistical Test Flow Charts found in the Toolbox on 2U, you can consult the following resources to help identify which statistical test is appropriate for analyzing the quantitative data in your study: SPSS: Which Statistical Test Should I Use?; nQuery: What Statistical Test Should I Use?; and/or Choosing the Correct Statistical Test in SAS, Stata, SPSS and R.[RJ7] 


            In this section you will name limitations of your proposed study.


 [RJ1]You may choose to follow either the Student Paper or the Professional Paper. If using the Professional Paper Title Page, the running head is in all caps and is a shortened form of the title, without the words “Running head.”  If using the Student Title Page, the course, instructor, and due date is listed without a running head.  The title in both papers is bolded. Please see “Figure 2.1 Sample Professional Title Page” (APA, 2020, p.31) or “Figure 2.2. Sample Student Title Page” (APA, 2020, p.32).  Title page setup is also covered here on the APA Style Blog.

 [RJ2]The abstract goes on this page.  If using a Professional Paper format, please include keywords. The use of abstract and keywords are covered here on the APA Style Blog.

 [RJ3]In APA 7, do not use “Introduction” as a heading.  This heading is replaced by the title of your paper, bolded, centered, and in title case. Headings, including the absence of the heading “introduction,” are covered here on the APA Style Blog.

 [RJ4]Verb tense is covered in Section 4.12 of the APA Publication Manual, Seventh Edition. Verb tense is also discussed here on the APA Style Blog.

 [RJ5]You might find this video on writing a hypothesis in APA useful in reviewing hypothesis notation.

 [RJ6]Writing using number and statistics are discussed here on the APA 7 Blog.

 [RJ7]I also recommend the book by Sheldon (2013) for additional information about writing about statistics in research using APA.

Sheldon, Z. (2013). APA Dictionary of Statistics and Research Methods (APA Reference Books) 1st Edition. American Psychological Association (APA).

 [RJ8]Writing about study limitations is discussed here on the APA Style Blog.

 [RJ9]The references pages is titled “References” in bold and is centered on a new page.  The first line of each reference is aligned left and any additional lines for that references is indented.  Please see “Figure 9.4 Use of Asterisks to Indicate Studies Included in a Meta-Analysis” (APA, 2020, p.309) for an example.

Research Proposal Outline

The Impact of Tele-mental Health Platforms on Counselors in Private Practice: An Examination of Therapeutic Relationships, Ethical Concerns, and Platform Efficacy


Briefly summarize the intent to explore the influence of tele-mental health platforms on private practice counselors, focusing on therapist satisfaction, ethical concerns, and overall impact on the therapeutic process.

1. Introduction

   – Background Information:

     – Overview of the rise of tele-mental health services, especially during the recent pandemic.

     – The necessity and growth of platforms like SimplePractice, TheraNest, among others.

   – Statement of the Problem:

     – Specific challenges faced by counselors using these platforms, such as issues with technology, privacy concerns, and changes in client interaction.

   – Purpose of the Study:

     – To evaluate how tele-mental health platforms have altered the counseling practice in terms of efficacy, ethical standards, and counselor satisfaction.

2. Literature Review

   – Evolution of Tele-mental Health:

     – Historical perspective and recent advancements.

   – Impact on Therapeutic Relationships:

     – How virtual interactions might alter counselor-client dynamics.

   – Ethical and Legal Considerations:

     – Discussion of HIPAA compliance, confidentiality, and informed consent in a virtual setting.

   – Benefits and Risks:

     – Comparative analysis of tele-mental health benefits and potential risks or drawbacks.

   – Counselor Adaptation and Training:

     – How counselors adapt to and are trained for tele-mental health.

   – Articles for Citation: (10 articles will be listed here focusing on related studies, theoretical analyses, and empirical data).

3. Theoretical Framework

   – Ethics in Telemedicine:

     – Application of ethical theories and principles specific to tele-mental health.

   – Adaptation Theory:

     – How counselors adapt to technological changes and new modes of service delivery.

4. Research Questions

   – How do tele-mental health platforms impact the therapeutic relationship for counselors?

   – What ethical concerns do counselors have regarding tele-mental health platforms?

   – What are the perceived benefits and risks associated with tele-mental health for counselors?

5. Hypothesis

   – Tele-mental health platforms significantly affect counselor satisfaction and ethical considerations, impacting the quality of the therapeutic relationship.

6. Methodology

   – Participants:

     – Counselors certified in tele-mental health (BC-TMH).

   – Instruments:

     – Surveys and questionnaires to gather quantitative and qualitative data on counselor experiences.

   – Data Collection Methods:

     – Description of how data will be collected, including online surveys and virtual interviews.

   – Data Analysis:

     – Statistical methods to be used for analyzing the collected data.

7. Expected Results

   – Analysis of Counselor Feedback:

     – Expected trends in counselor satisfaction and challenges faced.

   – Impact on Practice:

     – How tele-mental health has reshaped counseling practices.

8. Discussion

   – Interpretations:

     – What the findings suggest about the future of tele-mental health in counseling.

   – Limitations:

     – Potential biases, methodological limitations, and scope of study.

   – Implications for Practice:

     – Practical implications for counselors and recommendations for platform developers.

9. Conclusion

   – Summarize the anticipated contributions of this research to the field of tele-mental health and counseling.

10. References

1. **Luxton, D. D., McCann, R. A., Bush, N. E., Mishkind, M. C., & Reger, G. M. (2011).** *mHealth for mental health: Integrating smartphone technology in behavioral healthcare.* Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 42(6), 505-512.

   – This article discusses the integration of smartphone technology in behavioral healthcare, providing insights into the evolution and efficacy of mobile health applications in mental health practices.

2. **Connolly, S. L., Miller, C. J., Lindsay, J. A., & Bauer, M. S. (2020).** *A systematic review of providers’ attitudes toward telemental health via videoconferencing.* Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 27(2), e12311.

   – This systematic review explores healthcare providers’ attitudes towards telemental health, focusing on the acceptance and perceived effectiveness of videoconferencing in therapeutic settings.

3. **Hilty, D. M., Ferrer, D. C., Parish, M. B., Johnston, B., Callahan, E. J., & Yellowlees, P. M. (2013).** *The effectiveness of telemental health: A 2013 review.* Telemedicine and e-Health, 19(6), 444-454.

   – Reviews the effectiveness of telemental health services, providing evidence of its impacts on treatment outcomes and patient satisfaction.

4. **Glueckauf, R. L., Maheu, M. M., Drude, K. P., Wells, B. A., Wang, Y., Gustafson, D. J., & Nelson, E. L. (2018).** *Survey of psychologists’ telebehavioral health practices: Technology use, ethical issues, and training needs.* Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 49(3), 205-219.

   – Analyzes telebehavioral health practices among psychologists, focusing on technology use, ethical considerations, and the need for specialized training in telemental health.

5. **Myers, K., & Turvey, C. (Eds.). (2013).** *Telemental health: Clinical, technical, and administrative foundations for evidence-based practice.* Elsevier Insights.

   – A comprehensive resource on telemental health, covering clinical applications, technical requirements, and administrative issues, making it an essential reference for integrating technology in mental health services.

6. **Maheu, M. M., Drude, K. P., & Wright, S. D. (2018).** *Career paths in telemental health.* Springer.

   – Discusses various career paths in telemental health, offering guidance on professional development and ethical practice in a digital age.

7. **Yellowlees, P., Shore, J. H., & Roberts, L. (2010).** *Practice guidelines for videoconferencing-based telemental health.* Telemedicine and e-Health, 16(10), 1074-1089.

   – Provides practice guidelines for implementing videoconferencing-based telemental health, addressing technical, clinical, and administrative considerations to ensure quality and ethical standards.

8. **Rees, C. S., & Stone, S. (2005).** *Therapeutic alliance in face-to-face versus videoconferencing psychotherapy.* Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 36(6), 649-653.

   – Examines differences in the therapeutic alliance between face-to-face and videoconferencing psychotherapy sessions, offering insights into the challenges and benefits of remote counseling.

9. **Langarizadeh, M., Tabatabaei, M. S., Tavakol, K., Naghipour, M., Rostami, A., & Moghbeli, F. (2017).** *Telemental health care, an effective alternative to conventional mental care: a systematic review.* Acta Informatica Medica, 25(4

), 240-246.

   – A systematic review that confirms the effectiveness of telemental health care as a viable alternative to conventional mental health treatments, emphasizing cost-effectiveness and accessibility.

10. **Schopp, L., Johnstone, B., & Merrell, D. (2000).** *Telehealth and neuropsychological assessment: New opportunities for psychologists.* Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 31(2), 179-183.

    – Discusses the opportunities and challenges associated with using telehealth technologies for neuropsychological assessments, highlighting its potential to extend services to underserved populations.

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