Mezzo Macro Analysis Essay

Mezzo/Macro Analysis Essay

You will write an APA-style paper (i.e. title page, double-spaced, 1-in margins, header, Times New Roman, etc.) Paper must be 2 pages. Make sure you reference at least 2 articles/readings in your paper. 

  1. Mezzo/Macro Analysis – Describe why it is important to have a macro/systemic approach and a micro approach to interpersonal counseling. How do you think you can incorporate anti-opressive or multicultural social justice model into your interpersonal counseling skills? 
  2. Future Professional Development: Talk about areas that you would like to develop during your journey of becoming a human service professional. Identify possible avenues you would like to explore whether it is with yourself and your journey with growth and development or professionally with population or careers you would like to consider. How can you be an accountable practioner/professional now or in the future?
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