Organizational Behavior Homework Help

Number of Papers and Length: To earn 4 credits, six essays of 5-6 pages each are required.  For 3 credits, four essays of 5-6 pages each are required.  For two credits, three essays of 5-6 pages are required.  The minimum length of papers does not include title pages, references, works cited, tables or appendices.  All margins — top, bottom, left, and right — should be set to 1” throughout the paper. The paper should be double spaced throughout, including the title page, all quotations, notes, and the references page.

Required Textbook: The textbook to be used is ORGB5 or ORGB4 by Nelson and Quick. 

Paper Assessment: Each paper must achieve a passing grade (70% or better) and will be assessed using the grading rubric below.

Paper Topics: Each paper should make use of several theories and/or models from one textbook chapter to demonstrate mastery knowledge and appropriate application to internship experience.

Grading Rubric

 Excellent (5)  Good (4)  Fair (3)  Poor (0-2)  
(introduction, body and conclusion)
The introduction provides a clear thesis; paragraphs are well defined, provide topic sentences and are relevant. Essay has a clear conclusion that draws from ideas within paper and makes an insightful (not just obvious), logical claim.Introduction provides thesis; body of paper sometimes lacks topic sentences. Conclusion relates to ideas of topic and reader understands what he should take away from paper.  The introduction lacks a thesis; paragraphs sometimes stray from focus; and conclusion fails to add to the paper. Reader is unclear what he should take away from paper.  Missing introduction or conclusion; does not meet minimum paragraph/word requirement. Lacks organization. Structure of paper and/or organization of ideas is hard to follow.
SourceAt least 4 distinct theories or concepts from the textbook are cited and thoroughly explained in the author’s own words to support the thesis.  The textbook and any supplementary sources are appropriately cited within text and in a works cited page.  The paper does not include uncited paraphrasing or quotes.At least 3 distinct theories or concepts from the textbook are cited and thoroughly explained in the author’s own words to support the thesis.  Or 4 theories or concepts are cited but are not all thoroughly explained. The textbook and any supplementary sources are appropriately cited within text and in a works cited page.  The paper does not include uncited paraphrasing or quotes.At least 3 distinct theories or concepts from the textbook are cited and thoroughly explained in the author’s own words to support the thesis.  Reference materials are not always appropriately cited in one or two small instances and/or the paper includes one small instance of un-cited paraphrasing or quotes.Fewer than 3 distinct theories or concepts are cited and thoroughly explained (and/or aren’t in the author’s own words) to support the thesis.  Reference materials are not always appropriately cited and/or the paper includes un-cited paraphrasing or quotes.
(support for thesis)
Essay clearly shows perceptiveness and creativity in the application of theories and concepts using cogent personal examples. Ideas presented have some sophistication – aren’t just obvious. Argument is well-developed, supports thesis, relates to topic and is logically ordered.  Essay shows some perceptiveness and creativity in the application of theories and concepts using cogent personal examples. But a fair amount of ideas presented are simple or obvious.  Evidence supports the thesis, is relevant to the topic, and has logical order. Essay shows very limited perceptiveness and/or creativity in the explanation of theories or concepts or in choice of examples. All ideas are simple and/or obvious.  Evidence not utilized effectively or is unclear, unrelated, or lacks logical order.   Essay lacks perceptiveness and creativity in theory or concept application, few examples, no support for evidence presented and/or information is unclear, unrelated, and lacks no logical order.  
(grammar, spelling, punctuation and word choices)
Perfect grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Excellent word choice and used correctly.  Few grammar, spelling or punctuation errors. Some vivid word choice, most used correctly.  Many grammar, spelling or punctuation errors, simplistic word choice and/or misused words.  Abundant with spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors, simplistic word choice with many misused words.



The purpose of each paper is to demonstrate your ability to apply Organizational Behavior (OB) knowledge to a professional work setting. 


This can happen by deciding in advance a set of theories or concepts that interest you and then observing how they are enacted or demonstrated at work.  OR, this can happen by reflecting on observations at work and then deciding what OB theories or concepts were involved or apply to those observations.  The distinction is akin to the deductive/inductive distinction.[1]


  1. Option 1
    1. Peruse the OB textbook and select a chapter that interests you.  From the chapter, select at least three theories, models or concepts to investigate.
    1. For the next week or so, take notes at work on behaviors you engage in or witness or hear about that relate to your selected OB topics.
    1. At the end of the week, read over your notes.  And write a summary sentence.  (For example, what was most interesting or enlightening about your observations?  Or to what extent did the textbook’s explanation fit or not fit your experience?)  This can become the thesis statement of your paper.
    1. Review the grading rubric
    1. Outline the paper with topic sentences for each paragraph
    1. Send outline to professor for feedback if you like.
    1. Send the paper in accordance to the deadlines you set.
  • Option 2
    • Take notes at work for a week.  The notes should just be stream of consciousness about what you are observing, what you are feeling, what you are thinking, what you are doing.
    • At the end of the week, review your notes and highlight what you find most interesting. 
    • Peruse the textbook and find at least three theories, models or concepts that explain part or all of your observations.
    • Write a summary sentence that explains how/why the textbook material you selected helps explain your observations.  This can become your thesis statement.
    • Review the grading rubric
    • Outline the paper with topic sentences for each paragraph
    • Send outline to professor for feedback if you like.
    • Send the paper in accordance to the deadlines you set.

[1] The main difference between inductive and deductive approaches to research is that whilst a deductive approach is aimed and testing theory, an inductive approach is concerned with the generation of new theory emerging from the data.