Medical Procedures Portfolio Homework Help

Medical Procedures Portfolio Homework Help

Portfolio Elements

The following elements are required in the portfolio submission for the assessment of prior learning credit:

  1. Resume
  2. Letter of Intent
  3. Education and Career Goals/Plan
  4. Course Learning Outcomes Statement (per course)
  5. Documentation (per course)
  6. Title page
  7. Sources (if applicable)

All written submissions should follow APA format, double-spaced with 1-inch margins, using Times New Roman font, size 12, and be submitted as Word documents in your Blackboard PLA course to the appropriate drop box.  It is expected that all submissions will be proofread and written in a professional manner. 

IMPORTANT:  Make sure to include your name, date, and title of document at the top of each of submission.

1. Resume

The resume summarizes the major experiences and/or education you have acquired.  Your resume should be formatted for professional use. Each position should include company, job title, years of employment, and detailed bullet points that clearly explain your major job responsibilities.

2. Letter of Intent

The Letter of Intent formally introduces you to the portfolio reviewer and summarizes why you are applying for PLA credit.  This letter also serves as a link to your prior learning as well as to the learning outcomes of the course(s) that are the subject of the portfolio.  The letter of intent will include the following:

  • All courses included in the portfolio
  • Learning outcomes you intend to prove
  • Area(s) of expertise you intend to demonstrate
  • Number of credits you are hoping to earn

The Letter of Intent provides insight into who you are professionally and the positions you have held that provided you with the experience to petition for prior learning credit.  The letter should be a minimum of two paragraphs.

3. Education and Career Goals/Plan

The Education and Career Goals/Plan is a summary of your education, training, and career goals.  This section also includes your plan for pursuing these goals, and should be a minimum of two paragraphs.

4. Course Learning Outcomes Statement (Describing your Learning)

The Course Learning Outcomes Statement is an essay that clearly and concisely describes your learning and demonstrates that you have met the learning outcomes of a specific course.  There is no set length for the narrative, but generally it is three to five pages long, and should address each learning outcome with evidence and specific details.  You should complete as many pages as necessary to describe your learning and analyze how the learning is connected with the course and degree requirements.

Step 1.  Identify Learning Outcomes

Your first step in preparing the Course Learning Outcomes Statement is to identify the learning outcomes of the course for which you are requesting credit (they appear on the course syllabus), and then write a narrative of how you meet those learning outcomes.  This is usually the hardest part of preparing your portfolio, but it can also be very satisfying when you finally identify all that you really know. 

Step 2.  Organize Your Thoughts

Before you start to write, it is a good idea to organize your thoughts and reflect on what you know.  You must first identify the concepts you know – these are the subjects for which you have gained knowledge.  Then, organize the various concepts in a way that makes sense to you.  Finally, connect those concepts and discover how they are related to one another. 

Step 3.  Write a First Draft

Using the outline in the box below, write a rough draft of your Course Learning Outcomes Statement.  It should provide a clear summary of each learning outcome of the course for which you’re requesting credit, while also describing the source, nature, and extent of your learning.  Important note:  the focus of the statement is not autobiographical; rather, it should focus on analyzing your learning in the context of the experience.  Use these steps as you do your first draft:

a)      Introduce how you acquired this learning, and then provide some context (why, where, when, and with whom the learning took place).

b)     Organize your knowledge in a logical way; elaborate on what you know as a result of your experiences.

c)      Start a list of examples and documentation that demonstrate your knowledge and related competencies and skills.  You’ll need these later in the Portfolio.

d)     Think about how this learning is related to the subject of your degree plan as well as to your professional goals, and write it down.

Step 4.  Edit, Proofread, and Finalize

Now, take some time away from the draft to reflect on what you’ve written.  When you return to it, do some editing and refining.  Your Course Learning Outcomes Statement should be well written and supported by sufficient evidence of your learning.  It should convey motivation, competence, and the ability to communicate.  Your advisor will review it for clarity and context. 

Course Learning Outcomes Statement Outline A short introduction identifying the course you have selected for PLA and describing the learning that the narrative will substantiate.   Approximately 1-2 paragraphs for each course learning outcome.  Include each learning outcome as a heading. Each paragraph should describe the following:   How you gained the knowledge, how you learned it, and how this learning/knowledge relates to the course’s learning outcomes.How this learning applies in other contexts (provide clear, specific examples).How this learning relates to college-level learning.   A short conclusion summarizing your learning and relating it to the course learning outcomes.  

5. Documentation

Documentation is the evidence that will support the prior learning described in your portfolio.  The purpose of documentation is to prove the acquired learning has occurred and has been demonstrated.  Traditional students prove their learning through assignments, research papers, projects, and tests.  Therefore, students submitting a PLA portfolio must verify and confirm their learning and be able to demonstrate it.  Documentation will be reviewed by the Prior Learning Assessment Committee to determine if the student has demonstrated learning in the area of the course learning outcomes.

There are two main categories of documentation that are submitted for evidence:  direct and indirect.    

  • Direct documentation includes products, reports, plans, and performances that you have created.  This is a very strong source of evidence because it was created by the student.
  • Indirect documentation is a third-party validation/verification of learning.  Indirect documentation refers to letters written by qualified individuals who can verify your learning.  Good sources of indirect documentation include employers, co-workers, and business partners.  This type of documentation is a verification that the learning occurred, and not just a recommendation or reference. 

Documentation is required for each course in the portfolio.  Students may need to redact any proprietary information contained within the documentation.

6. Title Page

The Title Page introduces the student to the Monroe College Prior Learning Assessment Committee. It is submitted upon completion of the all of the portfolio elements.

The following information should be included (title page is centered):

Monroe College

The name of the academic program student is pursuing

The course titles represented in the portfolio

The student’s name

The student’s contact information (address, phone number, and email address)

The name of the portfolio advisor and title

The date of the portfolio’s submission

7. Sources

In order to fully demonstrate proficiency of the course learning outcomes, supporting research may be necessary.  The portfolio should contain a formal list of sources and references if any were used in the creation of the portfolio.  In-text citations should follow APA format.  Students should review and become familiar with the College’s Code of Academic and Scholarly Integrity regarding plagiarism and academic honesty.