PSY 550 Final Project Vignette Two Writing Help

PSY 550 Final Project Vignette Two

Ms. Z is a 35-year-old African American woman and the mother of two children. She was previously admitted to a psychiatric hospital after a suicide attempt. She is prescribed antidepressant medication; however, her depressed mood continues.

Ms. Z has received mental health services since she was 18 years old due to reported “mood swings.”  However, her depression became more severe over the past three years. She received electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), which provided temporary relief, allowing her to return to work after treatment.

Ms. Z completed high school and two years of college. She is employed as an office manager at a local insurance company. Her husband also works for the same company. He is reportedly very supportive and assumes most of the home responsibilities during her depression.

Ms. Z is looking for recommendations on whether she should return to school to complete a four-year degree and wants to gain diagnostic insight given her history of mental health concerns. She was administered the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV) and Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory –  2 (MMPI-2).

PSY 550 Final Project Vignette Two

Her scores are below:

  MMPI-2 Content 
ANX   79
FRS   41
OBS   63
DEP   82
HEA   81
BIZ   39
ANG   50
FSIQ   102
VCI   105
PRI   107
WMI   92
PSI   100
  MMPI-2 Clinical 
HS   86
D   112
HY   87
PD   66
MF   55
PA   67
PT   86
SC   90
MA   41
SI   74

You can use these resources to help you review the data from the WAIS-IV and MMPI-2 clinical and content scores:

  • MMPI-2

MMPI Training Slides: Review the following resources at this website:

o    MMPI Clinical Scales o   MMPI Content Supplement

  • WAIS-IV  

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale  Fourth Edition (WAISIV)  

  1. Scroll  down and  find  the “Resources”  tab.
    1. Click on  “Presentation:  Wechsler Adult  Intelligence Scale 4th  Edition (WAIS-IV).